Monthly Archives: September 2011


A gentleman named Robert Mulholland has put forward for consideration that spiritual formation is about being transformed into the image of Christ ‘for the sake of others.’ While there is a private aspect to ‘being’ with Jesus, I am convinced that it is not the primary one. God lives life within the context of the trinity… a place where community is built in. We are meant to live in relationship to others within community the same way that God does.

It is in the company of others that we make our journey to the deeper place of our soul, and it is where we learn to tell the truth about who we are in those places. When we explore those levels of our person hood in the company of others, we learn vulnerability… giving love… and receiving love.

We put much on the line when we open up our lives to others. Being real, connected, knowing others, and allowing ourselves to be known by others will cost us. Not being willing to pay the price will leave us in a position where we are cut off from God, and from others… and down the line, possibly even cut off from our self. When we, in appropriate ways, open ourselves to each other in the presence of Christ, we discover ways in which it is possible to ‘lay down our lives for friends’. We learn how to be a shelter for people who are longing for a warm embrace from others, and ultimately to God.

When it comes to ‘opening up’ your life, and ‘sharing life’ with others… where do you experience tension in your ability to be vulnerable?